You don’t need to walk alone.

A meaningful Christmas – Week 9, Reprioritise

Prioritizing our tasks will enable us to focus on the thing that is important and urgent first, followed by the other on the list based on the priority. It is more manageable when we can work on smaller tasks and get them done than to stare at the ones that appear bigger. Break down the big tasks into smaller tasks, then assign these smaller tasks to various days to be done. Completing one a day will soon add up, and we would have accomplished much for the week. … Continue readingA meaningful Christmas – Week 9, Reprioritise

A meaningful Christmas – Week 10, Reconnect

Sometimes we struggle with relating and building a relationship within the family or with friends. We need to put in the effort to develop the relationship. According to, reconnect means to re-establish a bond or communication or emotion. This season lets us focus on strengthening relationships within our family between husband and wife and parents with children or among siblings. … Continue readingA meaningful Christmas – Week 10, Reconnect

A meaningful Christmas 2020 – Week 11, Realign

Have you ever felt lost or just purposeless in life? Maybe you are searching and looking for a direction in life. Now it is the season to realign our purpose with God’s vision that he has for us. Last week we took some time to discover what is truly important and valuable to us. We begin to search deep to find our purpose, goals and destiny. … Continue readingA meaningful Christmas 2020 – Week 11, Realign