You don’t need to walk alone.

Walk-In Love

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. 2 John 1:6 (NIV)

In recent years there has been plenty of talk on the subject of minimalism. It seems to be a trend that is shaping the subculture of lifestyle. Most of those that embark on this voyage are benefiting from it. The simplicity of its concept and philosophy bring freedom to its believers.

Similarly, the Apostle John described Christianity in a minimalist point of view. I would put it in four words, and that is God’s Love In Action.

Christianity is more than a religion. It is more significant than a theological system that tries to explain or describe God. It does not need to be so complicated. Simplicity can be profound and powerful. Christianity, in my opinion, is applying the love of God in obedience to His commands; loving God and demonstrating God’s love in practical ways to make our world a more excellent; Godly place.

God has created you uniquely, and He placed creative expressions in you to exhibit His nature—love. He wants you to be’ you’. He has full confidence that you can bring forth love in your imaginative ways. So be yourself and express the Godly-pure love to others. By doing so, let the world confess that you are God’s child.

Christianity, in my opinion, is applying the love of God in obedience to His commands; loving God and demonstrating God’s love in practical ways to make our world a more excellent; Godly place.

A Prayer for Today:

Father, you are love. Your love is practical and unconditional. You had demonstrated kindness to me, and today I pray for myself, I could share your loving-kindness to my family, friends and those you bring to my path. Give me wisdom and compassion as I demonstrate Godly affection in Jesus’ name.

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