You don’t need to walk alone.


When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

(Romans 12:13, NLT)

Needs are everywhere. And there will always be needy people in this world. I remember reading in the Gospels where the Lord had met those needs; from feeding the five thousand men, and later the four thousand (not counting children and women). One thing which inspired me is, the Lord saw the multitude, and He had compassion for them and saw them as sheep without a shepherd. Soon, the Lord began to teach them many things. After that, He performed a bizarre miracle by multiplying the loaves and fishes (Mark 6:34).

When the Lord sees the needs around, I believe He also sees opportunities to serve—the Father and His other children. Out of which the Father received glory and praise! It is a beautiful form of worship and a way to lead the lost souls to God. It’s an art of servitude which potentially would usher in God’s mighty presence!

Today and every day is a window to meet the needs and help the needy. It could happen within your immediate family, among your colleagues, in your workplace, among your church community, even a passerby. Meeting the needs of the needy could come in different ways. It doesn’t necessarily be donating hundreds or thousands and millions of dollars. Of course, if you have the means to do so, why not?

My definition of meeting the needs of the needy is, eradicating current suffering and usher in the sense of relief, bringing hope, comfort and joy to the needy.

True story

My wife and I were having lunch in a food court. We noticed a cleaning lady working very hard, but she was frowning as though she was in pain or stress. It seems like something is bothering her. A migraine? Worries?

I locked eyes with Debbie, and without comparing notes, we both felt to comfort the lady. Immediately I felt to encourage her by giving her a love gift – cash. After pulling out from my wallet, the cleaning lady was nowhere to be found. Another lady took over her job. We were puzzled.

I went to this lady and asked if the previous cleaner was around? So I found out it was her lunch break. I thought to myself; there’s no way we can find her because the food court is a vast place. I commit the case to the Lord in prayer. Hoping she would get reliefs from her condition.

After lunch, we headed to the car park. While passing through cafes, suddenly we noticed the lady eating lunch by herself. My spirit jumped in great joy! With excitement but gentleness, I went to her table and said, “Hi, my wife and I noticed you as we were having lunch earlier. You came to serve us, and we are grateful for your service. We felt to encourage you with these love gifts (I handed the cash to her). May the Lord bless you and your family.”

I wish you were there with me to witness her expression. She was in tears and a sense of relief, encouragement came over her. She said to me, “You are so kind. I hope your Lord will bless you with a Lotto wins!” I smiled, and I asked for her name. “Mariah”, she said.

That lunch was one of the most memorable moments of my life. It’s a joy of doing the Father’s will by serving Mariah. Meeting her needs and bringing encouragement and comfort to her. There are plenty of’ Mariah’ out there. In my opinion, these are windows of opportunity to serve their needs, and in return, giving glory and praise to the Father. I hope you would find great joy as you meet the needs of the needy.

Scripture reading: Mark 6:30-44

Let us pray

Dear Father in heaven, I ask for opportunities to help the needy. I believe provision will come to me when I set my heart and soul to do so. Lead me to the right people in Your appointed time. And I pray for a spiritual encounter between them and You. Let me be Your hand and feet, an extension of Your love to these people. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

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