You don’t need to walk alone.

Blessing of the Seeker

Even lions, the most noble wild beast may get weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord will have every good thing. Psalm 34:10 (EXB)

Among all the creation of God, humankind is the only created thing made to have wisdom, discernment and an ability to live in a standard of morality. With this unique yet natural ability, we can make wise decisions by placing God as our ultimate priority in every aspect of life.

When God made you, He intentionally makes you in His image and likeness. By doing so, you get to think, feel, live and decide the way He would. Here lies one crucial point: He willfully wants you to seek after Him. It is His interest in blessing you with every good thing; this includes the ultimate Life — the resurrected Life, which is Christ Jesus himself. When you have Life, you will have everything.

He willfully wants you to seek after Him. It is His interest in blessing you with every good thing;

A Prayer for Today:

Dearest Father God, I think of you every day. I need you as much as my body needs air. I get to live when I breathe. Likewise, I get the full measure of Life when I inhale you—the Holy Spirit into my conscious and subconscious minds. With you living within me, I will have every good thing. Even the noblest beast may grow weak and hungry, but I will prosper and have more than plentiful. Thank you for your provision. In Jesus’ name, I pray, and all of God’s people say amen!!!


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