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Raising Family: Decluttering the desk/workstation.

I love stationery and papers. I kept stacks of papers and all sorts of pens, paper clips, scissors, stamps and many more stationary. As I begin my decluttering journey, I have learnt to let go of tons of multiples and keep only my favourites and most frequently used items such as keeping one good scissor instead of holding on to 5 to 7 of them. I realized it is mainly my insecurity of not having enough or the fear of ‘what if I need it someday?’. It took me at least four years in my journey to minimalism to learn that I do not need so much stuff and most of them I never used. I still love my coloured pens and post-it notes, but I learn to keep the amount I would need for now, and if I run out, that’s my treat to buy another type or design. I find this system more enjoyable than storing so much stuff and be overwhelmed with clutter that I do not have space to work on my desk. Today all my stationery fits into one pencil case. Everything I need is in one pouch. It saves me so much time choosing a pen or finding an item. A clean and clear desk always feels welcoming.

Here is my decluttering process for my desk/workstation.

  1. My first step is to empty the desk. Place all the items on the floor.
  2. Clean and wipe the desk.
  3. Start sorting, one item/drawer/category at a time. For example, take all your pens and pencils and keep the ones you use most often and consider donating the ones you do not need or throwing the spoiled ones. Then move on to the other items. (The Consider box is for things that you are not sure of letting it go. If you have not used it in a year or two, chances are you might never use it. Declutter this box in six months to one year.)
  4. Remember the five categories and sort through the things into Keep, Toss, Sell, Donate or to be Considered.
  5. Next, I organize my desk using containers or boxes to hold similar items such as pens, post-it notes, and so on. Then I keep like items together and arrange them neatly into the drawers or display them on the desk for beauty and easy access.

Having a clean and clear workspace removes the unnecessary distractions and simplifying my things helps me to get my work started right away and be more productive.

I hope you find these tips practical and straightforward.

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